Even after dozens of viewings of The Lord of the Rings, some questions remain unanswered by the films. What was Gandalf hiding? Why did Sauron look the way he did? And where was Tom Bombadil? Let's explore some of the most intriguing mysteries of the trilogy.
Why Didn’t Gandalf Use the Great Eagles?
Many wonder: why didn’t Frodo simply fly to Mordor on an Eagle? The simple answer — Sauron would have immediately noticed them. Additionally, the Eagles were not particularly inclined to interfere in the affairs of men and could have simply refused such a mission.
Why Does Aragorn Look 40 Years Old If He Is 87?
Éowyn is surprised by Aragorn’s age in the film — and so are the viewers. The answer lies in his lineage: he is a descendant of the Númenóreans, a race blessed with long life. But why wasn’t this blessing passed down to all humans in Middle-earth? There is no clear answer.

What Did Sauron Actually Look Like?
We see him as a giant eye and in armor, but his true form remains a mystery. In the books, Tolkien describes him as an entity that inspires terror. It is possible that he had a different appearance before being stripped of his physical form.
Where Did Tom Bombadil Disappear To?
In the book, he helps the hobbits, but in the films, he is completely absent. The reason? The screenwriters felt that his story strayed too far from the main plot. And yet, this being — immune to the Ring — could have been a key character.
How Long Did Gandalf Search for the One Ring?
In the film, it seems like Gandalf only spends a few days researching the history of the Ring. But in reality, 17 years passed! During this time, he sought confirmation of his suspicions, leaving Frodo unaware. Why didn’t the Nazgûl find the hobbit sooner? That remains a mystery.

Undoubtedly, The Lord of the Rings is a film that continues to provoke thought and debate even years later. And that is part of its magic.