Cosmo Jarvis, who recently gained attention for his role in the hit historical series Shogun, has joined the cast of Guy Ritchie's highly anticipated new film Wife & Dog. With a stellar ensemble that includes Benedict Cumberbatch, Rosamund Pike, and Anthony Hopkins, the project is already shaping up to be one of the most awaited releases.
The Plot and Cosmo Jarvis’s Role
While details of the film's plot are being kept under wraps, sources hint that it will be set in the world of British aristocracy, echoing the tone and style of The Gentlemen. Jarvis will reportedly play the son of Anthony Hopkins’s character and the brother of Rosamund Pike’s role, adding intrigue to the storyline.
Jarvis has a busy schedule ahead, appearing in several other major productions. He is set to star in the gangster drama The Alto Knights alongside Robert De Niro, the Iraq War thriller Warfare, and the Australian prison drama Inside.
About the Director
Guy Ritchie is celebrated for his dynamic and stylish storytelling. His 2019 film The Gentlemen earned critical acclaim and became one of his most successful projects. The film's success even led to a spin-off series, with Ritchie playing a key role in its development.
Wife & Dog is poised to be a standout cinematic event, combining Ritchie’s signature flair with a talented cast. The addition of rising star Cosmo Jarvis only heightens the excitement for what promises to be a compelling and stylish film.