Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love
Ion: Blestemul pamรฎntului, blestemul iubirii

Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love, 1980

1980 / Romania
8.1 Rate
10 votes IMDb Rating: 8.1
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Jon, a young peasant love more "the land" than his engaged girlhood, Florica.Just when Ion thinks he has become master of his own land, he realizes that he has betrayed his heart, and that he is still in love with Florica, not with his wife. It is the curse of love that will be Ion's undoing. Badly mistreated, Ana, his wife, is driven to despair and she hangs herself. Ion, now free and wealthy, believes that the time has come for him to have Florica. Florica's husband, George waylays Ion and savagely murders him with a hoe.
Runtime 3 hours 25 minutes
Production year 1980
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
8.1 IMDb
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