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TME Polówka: Skwerania Cinema Showtimes

Oops! Seems like we don't have the schedule for this cinema, but we are doing our best to make the schedule available!
Movie Theaters Nearby
350 meters
TME Polówka: Osiedle Montwiła-Mireckiego Ksawerego Praussa 2
1.1 km
TME Polówka: Koziny Długosza 26/28
1.3 km
TME Polówka: Park na Zdrowiu Minerska 1
1.5 km
TME Polówka: Aquapark Fala Aleja Unii Lubelskiej 4
1.6 km
TME Polówka: Osiedle Żubardź Powstańców Wielkopolskich
1.7 km
TME Polówka: Złotno Napoleońska 7/17
2024, USA, Action, Adventure, Animation
2024, USA, Animation
2024, USA, Sci-Fi, Action, Comedy
2024, USA, Action, Crime, Drama
2024, Czechia / Poland / Slovakia, Animation
2024, USA / France / Great Britain, Horror
2024, USA, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
2014, USA / Great Britain, Sci-Fi
2024, Germany, Adventure, Animation
2024, France, Action, Adventure, Drama
2024, USA, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
2024, Poland, Drama
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