The musical film “Wicked" based on the well-known musical, has become a box office hit worldwide. The foundation of the film has not only become a commercial success but also the source of one of the most bizarre stories in the theater world—offending the memory of Queen Elizabeth II.
The incident occurred in 2022 when the production arrived in London, and its premiere coincided with a date the United Kingdom will never forget: September 8th, the day of the Queen’s death.
As often happens in art, reality and the text the show intersected in a surprising way. Before the show began, a conferencier came on stage to address the audience. He started by offering condolences to the English people and the royal family. He continued with "however."
With all due respect to Buckingham Palace, all shows will go on this evening. And, in fact, this performance will proceed as usual and according to the script.
The statement seemed routine, but it was the words "according to the script" that triggered a reaction. Why? Because the musical “Wicked” opens with a powerful choral number that includes the words:
The scene of the good witches celebrating the fall of the wicked witch suddenly took on a completely different meaning. The moment went viral: some saw it with humor, while others were offended and flatly refused to attend the show or watch the film adaptation.