The Addams Family has been featured as the main characters in various films and animated series, but Wednesday, which premiered on Netflix in 2022, has completely changed the landscape, attracting significantly more attention. While the show mostly adheres to the beloved canon, it introduces something new to the story—this is the clear reason for its tremendous success.
Wednesday does not focus on the family story; instead, it centers entirely on Wednesday herself.
The series, which includes contributions from Tim Burton himself, adds a lot of specificity regarding Wednesday Addams. In most interpretations, the character doesn't receive much screen time (at least not significantly more than other family members), but in this case, Wednesday, played by Jenna Ortega, overshadows even the other members of her family—the entire show revolves around her admission to Nevermore Academy, where she spends almost all her time.
Netflix's "Wednesday" was designed to be something entirely new.
This is evident in the title of the series—it could have followed in the footsteps of other interpretations and become just another Addams Family, but that would not align with the focus of the plot. Additionally, the series presents Wednesday at a more mature age than in earlier adaptations—here, the character appears as a self-aware teenager embarking on her own journey away from parental supervision. Thus, Wednesday becomes a unique blend of a familiar story and entirely new elements, seasoned with Tim Burton's distinctive artistic style.