The Girl with the Needle is a psychological thriller that explores deep and intense themes such as trauma, obsession, and the will to survive. The story follows a young woman who faces a heartbreaking personal loss and, in her search for answers, uncovers a dark and twisted conspiracy involving a mysterious figure known as ‘The Needle.’ As she gets closer to the truth, she finds herself drawn into a dangerous world full of secrets, deception, and life-threatening risks.
Her journey forces her to confront not only the dark forces behind the conspiracy but also her own fears and emotional struggles. As she digs deeper, she realizes that everything she thought she knew might not be what it seems. The film mixes high-stakes suspense with powerful social commentary, creating a tense atmosphere that keeps you on edge. With unexpected twists and a gripping storyline, The Girl with the Needle will leave you questioning what’s real and who can be trusted. The movie takes the viewer on an unpredictable ride, full of tension and emotional depth.
When Will The Girl with the Needle Be on MUBI?
The Girl with the Needle is expected to be available on MUBI in the coming weeks. While the exact release date has yet to be confirmed, the film’s strong buzz and its appearance in film festivals suggest it will make its debut on the platform soon. MUBI has a reputation for showcasing cutting-edge and internationally acclaimed films, making this much-anticipated thriller a great fit for their lineup.
Where Can You Watch The Girl with the Needle?
If you're looking to watch The Girl with the Needle, it will likely be available on major streaming platforms after its festival run. While MUBI has been speculated to be a likely host for the film, you may also find it on platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or Netflix, depending on distribution rights in various regions. As the release nears, keep an eye on updates from the filmmakers and distributors for official announcements about where you can catch this gripping film.
Where to Watch The Girl with the Needle in the USA Online for Free?
For those in the United States eager to watch The Girl with the Needle, the film may be available for streaming on select free platforms. However, it’s important to note that free online viewing may be limited to certain promotional periods or special events. Keep an eye on streaming services like Tubi, Crackle, or other free movie platforms, as they often feature popular indie films. Be sure to check legitimate sources to avoid illegal streaming websites.