Any artist sooner or later gets used to rejections. But it is especially offensive when you work hard on a film, and in the end, scenes with you are excluded from the final editing. Even the famous Harrison Ford did not escape this sad fate.
During his long career, the actor managed to work with many venerable directors, including Steven Spielberg. The director shot the cult action film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which Ford played the main role of an adventurer. Subsequently, several sequels of the film were released.
Spielberg also invited the public's favorite to his sci-fi film E.T. The actor was supposed to embody on screen the image of the principal of the school where the main character, Elliot, studies. Harrison Ford got a small scene in which his character scolds the boy for poor academic performance.
As a result, only Ford's voiceover made it into the final version, and he was unlikely to be offended by the director, since they subsequently worked together on many other films.