Following a series of adaptations, from the iconic 1932 version featuring Boris Karloff to the beloved Brendan Fraser-led adventures, and the less successful 2017 reboot starring Tom Cruise, Universal’s classic mummified monster is making a comeback. This time, writer and director Lee Cronin, known for the acclaimed 2023 film Evil Dead Rise, will take the reins. The project has been in the works for some time, with it's announcement earlier this year, but it was only recently confirmed through an Instagram post by Cronin and Blumhouse that this will be a fresh take on The Mummy. The post showcased the script’s title page, accompanied by the intriguing caption: “Something terrifying will be unleashed in 2026.”
Producers Jason Blum and James Wan are on board, and Blumhouse’s track record of revitalizing Universal’s classic monsters—especially with Leigh Whannell’s The Invisible Man—sets high expectations. They aim to replicate this success with Whannell’s upcoming Wolf Man, alongside the impressive box office performance of Evil Dead Rise. While plot details remain under wraps, Cronin hinted to The Hollywood Reporter that :
This will be unlike any Mummy movie you ever laid eyes on before. I’m digging deep into the earth to raise something very ancient and frightening.
So, let’s channel our inner John Hannah’s Jonathan from the 1999 film and say it together: Im-ho-tep… Im-ho-tep…
Mark your calendars for the release of Cronin’s The Mummy on April 17, 2026!