The technology-driven anthology series first premiered in 2011 and has since captivated audiences with six seasons, a special episode, and an interactive film.
The latest episodes aired back in 2023, but Netflix has already confirmed that more are on the way. Here’s everything we know so far about Black Mirror’s highly anticipated seventh season.
When Will Black Mirror Season 7 Be Released?
There is no exact release date yet, but the new episodes are expected to premiere by the end of this year.
For the past two years, Netflix has released Black Mirror seasons in early June, making summer the show’s traditional premiere window. It’s possible that this pattern will continue.
How Many Episodes Will Black Mirror Season 7 Include?
Season 7 will feature six episodes — the same number as seasons three and four.
Historically, most seasons have included fewer episodes. Seasons one, two, and five each had only three episodes, while season six had five.
What Episodes Will Be in Black Mirror Season 7?
It has been officially announced that the upcoming season will include a sequel to USS Callister, one of season four’s most memorable episodes.
That episode followed a fearless starship captain, revered by his crew, in a storyline that parodied iconic franchises like Star Trek.
In reality, however, the protagonist was an insecure, power-hungry boss who trapped digital clones of his coworkers inside a simulated world. Although his arc was seemingly resolved, the fate of his crew may still have more to explore on screen.