Kevin Costner, who recently left the mega-hit series Yellowstone behind, is now working on his ambitious Western franchise Horizon, the first installment of which has seen a rather lackluster start. However, Costner’s passion for the genre goes back 35 years, and one of his most iconic Western films is now available to watch online for free.
Dances with Wolves Is Now Free to Stream
While fans eagerly await the remaining three parts of Horizon, they can revisit the 1990 adventure drama Dances with Wolves on the free streaming platform Tubi. Set during the American Civil War, the film follows Lieutenant John Dunbar, who, after being injured in battle, requests a transfer to a remote outpost near the western frontier. Arriving at an isolated fort, Dunbar encounters Native Americans who are initially unwelcoming. Over time, however, he forms a deep bond with the Lakota Sioux people.
Dances with Wolves: A Hit of 1990
One unique feature of the film is its use of authentic Lakota Sioux dialogue with subtitles—a bold choice by Costner, who also directed the movie. What could have alienated audiences instead became a strength. Dances with Wolves earned widespread acclaim from viewers, grossing approximately $420 million worldwide, nearly 20 times its budget. It was also a critical success, winning seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
This epic Western remains a testament to Costner’s dedication to the genre, offering both breathtaking visuals and a poignant narrative. For fans of Yellowstone or Westerns in general, it’s the perfect way to revisit a classic while waiting for Horizon to expand its universe.