Jack Nicholson, the legendary actor known for his iconic roles, recently appeared in a rare photo shared by his daughter Lorraine Nicholson. The picture, posted on January 2, 2025, shows the 87-year-old star sitting comfortably while his daughter lovingly places an arm around his shoulders. Nicholson, in return, rests his hand gently on hers, creating a touching moment between father and daughter.
The photo quickly caught the attention of fans and friends, including director Nancy Meyers, who worked with Nicholson on Something's Gotta Give. She commented, "Your dad looks great. ❤️"
This public glimpse of Nicholson is significant, as the actor has kept a low profile in recent years. His last public appearance was in April 2023, when he attended an NBA playoff game to cheer on the Los Angeles Lakers, interacting with basketball star LeBron James during the event.
The Instagram post also included a series of other family photos, featuring Lorraine with her brother Ray Nicholson, cousin Duke Nicholson, and his girlfriend, Devin Lee Carlson. These snapshots provided a rare look into the private life of the Nicholson family.
Lorraine, one of Nicholson’s six children, shares a special bond with her father. She revealed to PEOPLE that he has affectionately called her 'Perf,' short for 'Perfect,' since she was a child.