The trailer for Love Me reveals a unique storyline where Kristen Stewart portrays a buoy and Steven Yeun takes on the role of a satellite, both existing in a world long after humanity has vanished. Guided solely by the internet, these two characters embark on a journey to understand the essence of being alive and experiencing love. Blending live-action, animatronics, and traditional animation, Love Me delves into themes of AI and identity, exploring connection and transformation in an unconventional narrative.
At Deadline’s Sundance Studio earlier this year, Stewart discussed her experience in the film, stating:
The movie reflects our collective projections, fears, and insecurities. It examines our interactions with ourselves and others, as well as the delicate balance between deception and the desire to be truly seen. Reading the script made me feel like I could embody everyone in the world, yet ultimately, I was just playing myself. Watching the film, I felt like I encountered everyone I’ve ever known.
Love Me earned the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize at Sundance, an honor given to films that highlight themes of science or technology, or showcase scientists, engineers, or mathematicians as key characters.
Audiences can look forward to experiencing this innovative film when it arrives in U.S. theaters on January 31, 2025.