In the original story, Frodo waits for a full 17 years in Bag End between Bilbo's departure and the beginning of his own adventure with the One Ring, putting him at a respectable 50 years of age.
On the big screen, the length of time between those events is never specified but certainly doesn't feel like 17 years, meaning Elijah Wood's Frodo Baggins is younger than his book counterpart. Indeed, Wood was only 18 when filming began on 'The Lord of the Rings.' Hobbits consider 33 their "coming of age," so 18 is perhaps the human equivalent of this Hobbit milestone. Frodo feels noticeably younger in Jackson's movies, and that was surely an intentional move to attract a younger audience.
Indeed, Wood was only 18 when filming began on 'The Lord of the Rings.' Hobbits consider 33 their "coming of age," so 18 is perhaps the human equivalent of this Hobbit milestone. Frodo feels noticeably younger in Jackson's movies, and that was surely an intentional move to attract a younger audience.
Elijah Wood is around five feet five inches (1.68 cm) tall so he has at least a couple of feet on the average hobbit. Playing a tiny character like Frodo has apparently caused some confusion over how tall Elijah Wood is.