Fans of Labyrinth, the beloved 1986 Jim Henson-directed fantasy, are in for a treat: a sequel is officially on its way. Robert Eggers, acclaimed director of Nosferatu, will helm the new project for TriStar Pictures, co-writing the script alongside frequent collaborator Sjón. The production team includes Lisa Henson, Chris Columbus, and Eleanor Columbus, with Brian Henson serving as executive producer.
Unlike a traditional remake, the film will serve as a sequel, revisiting the enchanting and mysterious world that captured hearts nearly four decades ago.
Revisiting the Labyrinth
The original Labyrinth follows Sarah, played by a teenage Jennifer Connelly, as she navigates a surreal maze to rescue her baby brother Toby from the clutches of Jareth, the goblin king, portrayed by the iconic David Bowie. Filled with puppetry, unforgettable characters, and a magical soundtrack — including Bowie’s 'Magic Dance' — the movie has become a cherished cult classic.
Fans have kept the spirit of Labyrinth alive through annual masquerade balls inspired by the film, as well as comic books, novels, and endless screenings at revival theaters. The sequel promises to build on this legacy, though it’s unclear how it will expand the fantastical world of the original.
Eggers’ Busy Slate
The announcement of the sequel coincides with major success for Eggers’ latest work. His retelling of Nosferatu recently earned four Oscar nominations, including Best Production Design and Best Cinematography. Known for his attention to detail and ability to craft hauntingly immersive worlds, Eggers seems like a natural fit to take on the labyrinthine task of honoring Henson’s vision.
While details about the Labyrinth sequel remain scarce, the news is sure to excite fans eager to return to a world filled with imaginative creatures, whimsical landscapes, and the nostalgia of the original. Whether beloved characters like Hoggle will reappear remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: with Eggers at the helm, the sequel is sure to be a visually stunning and inventive continuation of a timeless classic.