The acclaimed dark comedy series Bad Sisters has returned for its second season on Apple TV+, premiering on November 13, 2024. This season continues to explore the intricate dynamics of the Garvey sisters—Eva, Grace, Ursula, Bibi, and Becka—as they navigate the aftermath of their brother-in-law's death and confront new challenges that test their familial bonds.
Plot Overview
Set two years after the demise of John Paul, the Garvey sisters find themselves entangled in fresh complications. Against the backdrop of Dublin’s vibrant streets and coastal scenery, Grace, portrayed by Anne-Marie Duff, is on the brink of a new marriage, while Eva (Sharon Horgan), Ursula (Eva Birthistle), Bibi (Sarah Greene), and Becka (Eve Hewson) grapple with personal and collective dilemmas. The discovery of a submerged suitcase containing the remains of John Paul's father ignites a renewed investigation, threatening to unveil secrets the sisters have fought to keep hidden.
Critical Reception
Season 2 has been met with positive reviews, with critics praising its blend of dark humor and emotional depth. Empire notes that "the cast's chemistry is just as watchable as ever," even as the narrative takes darker turns. Similarly, NME commends the season for offering "enough intrigue, brash boldness and spark to render it a compelling watch."
New Additions
This season introduces new characters that add complexity to the storyline. Fiona Shaw joins the cast, delivering a performance that Rotten Tomatoes describes as "supremely boosted," enhancing the show's dynamic.
Viewing Schedule
Bad Sisters Season 2 consists of eight episodes, with the first two released on November 13, 2024. Subsequent episodes are available weekly on Wednesdays, culminating in the season finale on December 25, 2024. The series is exclusively available on Apple TV+.
Bad Sisters continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of dark comedy and intricate family dynamics. The second season delves deeper into the Garvey sisters' lives, presenting new challenges and unexpected twists that keep viewers engaged. As the season unfolds, it reaffirms its status as a must-watch series this year.