In the medical drama Doctor Odyssey, the central setting is a luxurious cruise ship named The Odyssey. However, this vessel is entirely fictional, created by the show’s writers, including Ryan Murphy, John Robin Baitz, and Joe Baken.
While the story unfolds aboard this elegant ship, the series wasn’t filmed on an actual cruise liner. Instead, detailed sets were constructed in a Los Angeles studio to replicate the interiors of The Odyssey. For exterior shots showing the ship docked or sailing, the production utilized real-world locations in San Pedro and Wilmington, Los Angeles. These areas provided authentic maritime backdrops that enhanced the realism of port scenes.
Though The Odyssey doesn’t exist in reality, the creators of Doctor Odyssey have masterfully brought it to life, blending intricate set design and strategic filming locations. The result is a convincing depiction of life aboard a high-seas medical drama.