Surprisingly, some of them managed to dramatically impact the plot in just a few minutes of screen time.
Keeping track of the tangled family trees and countless characters in Game of Thrones is a challenge only George R.R. Martin himself could fully handle. Yet, a few characters managed to leave a lasting impression in a very short time. Here’s a list of five characters who deserved more than just one episode.
An Unknown Soldier with a Very Familiar Face
It’s still hard to believe, but Game of Thrones managed to snag not only top-tier actors but also world-class musicians. In a brief scene from the seventh season, Ed Sheeran appeared as a nameless Lannister soldier. Along with his comrades, he was traveling through the woods when they encountered Arya Stark. Inviting Arya to join their meal, the soldiers showed they meant her no harm, despite serving her family’s enemies.

A Butcher’s Son Who Shaped Arya’s Future
Mycah, the butcher’s son and Arya Stark’s friend, appears only once, in the second episode of the first season. Brave and loyal, he tried to protect Arya from Joffrey’s cruelty but paid for it with his life. This tragedy became a turning point for Arya, fueling her resolve to seek vengeance against the spoiled royal and anyone else who had harmed those she loved.
The Deserter Who Saw the Future
Will, the first character introduced in the very first episode of Game of Thrones, deserved a better fate than execution for desertion. He was the first to witness the return of the White Walkers, yet his warnings were dismissed. His so-called "betrayal" might have been justified when Jon Snow later encountered the same terrors. If the harsh conditions of the Night’s Watch and threats from the Wildlings weren’t reason enough to flee, the icy undead certainly were.

A Tully Saved by a Single Heroine
Roslin Frey, granddaughter of Lord Walder Frey, appears only once in the infamous episode of the third season where she agrees to marry Edmure Tully. Despite the ensuing family chaos, Roslin managed to preserve the Tully lineage. Together with Edmure, she raised their son, who became the sole heir to the family’s wealth and legacy.
A Symbol of Freedom
Mag the Mighty made his first and final appearance in one of the last episodes of the fourth season. Leading his people away from the chaos of the Wall’s siege, Mag sought to save as many lives as possible. While tragedy struck, his sacrifice turned him into a symbol of the Wildlings’ fight for freedom—and, heartbreakingly, a symbol of its collapse.

The fate of these characters might have been different if George R.R. Martin hadn’t made pivotal changes to his books at the last moment.Which plot details underwent significant changes you can read here.