Christmas-themed films have become an integral part of the festive season, and the 2019 'Klaus' animation certainly follows this tradition. Directed by Spaniard Sergio Pablos and released on the Netflix platform, "Klaus" tells the story of Jesper, a careless postman sent to work in the harsh north, where the locals do not send letters. However, everything changes when he meets a mysterious lumberjack named Klaus. Together, they turn the warring village into a place of joy and gift exchange.
Here are 5 reasons why 'Klaus' (2019) is wonderful Christmas film:
1. Revolutionary animation
At a time when 3D animations dominate the industry, 'Klaus' offers a fresh perspective through the fusion of 2D and 3D styles. The artistic part of the film is inspired by German expressionism, which is clearly manifested in the design of the city and its inhabitants. Changing the color palette plays an important role: from dark and gray tones at the beginning of the story to warm and bright shades when peace and happiness come to the island.
2. An original interpretation of Santa's story
Intertwining comedy and drama, 'Klaus' presents the legend of the origin of Santa Claus in a new way. Klaus's story and his motivation to create toys can touch to the core, while Jesper's comical approach to gift delivery softens emotional tension. Jesper, transformed from an egoist into a devoted postman, embodies the recognition of the important role of postal workers during the Christmas holidays.
3. The authentic representation of the Sami people
The film shows a rare accurate depiction of the indigenous Sami people in cinema, who play an important role in history. Their portrayal in the film, including language and traditional clothing, contributes to a more authentic representation of the region where, according to legend, Santa's house is located.
4. Character Development
Each character undergoes significant changes. Klaus comes out of his isolation, finding joy and friendship in communicating with Jesper. Jesper himself transforms from a smug youngster to a caring and responsible hero, which is facilitated by his interactions with the residents of the city. This underscores the film's message that kindness breeds more kindness.
5. The absence of imposed love lines
The film avoids cliches about inappropriate romantic relationships, showing instead the development of a true friendship of respect. This is especially important for the children's audience, as it helps to perceive healthier models of relationships based on trust and support.
It's only been a few years since the release of 'Klaus', and he has already taken a firm place among the Christmas classics. This is a touching and inspiring story that is worth revisiting over and over again during the festive season.