As November ends and December begins, numerous new shows are debuting on TV and streaming platforms. From the crime dramas "Lihie" to the mysterious "Silo," and the finale of "Arcane"—an array to suit every taste and preference. But what do those dedicated to the cinematic arts recommend? In a conversation with the "Kinoafisha" portal, film critic Oksana Agapova shared her top three series that she has been eagerly looking forward to above all others. The expert's choice is intriguing, and may not appeal to everyone.
The new releases are not for a wide audience, unfortunately, they are authorial and quite specific. "The Creep Tapes" is a continuation of the mockumentary dilogy created by Mark Duplass.
This is a story about an eccentric killer who records his exploits on film. Here, fiction mingles with documentary, horror is laced with sarcasm—it’s very bold and unique.
Second on Agapova's list is "Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints," a documentary series focusing on religion and faith, themes extensively explored by the director.
As always, it’s about the gap between choice and destiny, the contrast of darkness and light, majesty and the mundane.
“Landman” rounds out the top. A drama with western elements, which tells the story of oil field development in Texas, a kind of new "gold rush" in the USA.
A series from Taylor Sheridan, the director of 'Hell or High Water' and 'Wind River,' and one of the creators of 'Yellowstone.' This drama explores resource extraction, its impact on the environment, politics and the state of today's America.
And if you enjoyed the music in the series "Trigger," we've gathered all the tracks in one place – making it easy to add them to your playlist.