Tim Allen has officially confirmed his return as the voice of Buzz Lightyear in the highly anticipated Toy Story 5. The actor recently revealed that he has already completed the first five-hour recording session for the upcoming Pixar sequel, set to release on June 19, 2026.
In an interview, Allen teased the clever and original storyline, emphasizing that both he and Tom Hanks, the voice of Woody, were drawn back to the project by its quality. "There’s a very, very clever story behind it. Without a great script, I don’t think any of us would have come back," Allen shared.
The Toy Story franchise, which began in 1995, has captivated generations of audiences with its heartfelt storytelling and beloved characters. With the announcement of the fifth installment, fans are eager to see where the journey will take Buzz, Woody, and the rest of the gang.
Allen also expressed his excitement about reprising his iconic role, stating that working on the series continues to be both enjoyable and inspiring. While the actor praised the creativity behind Toy Story 5, he made it clear that the film is about more than just commercial success.
As fans count down to 2026, one thing is certain: the toys are far from done playing.