The post-apocalyptic show The Last of Us, based on the video game of the same name, appears to have become one of the flagship projects for HBO — and that’s no surprise, given the overwhelming success of its first season. Now, the studio’s plans for the hit series are reaching even further. While the second season of The Last of Us is set to premiere next spring, HBO is already hard at work on the third.
Filming for the third season is (reportedly) starting soon
According to credible sources, preparations for the production of the next season of The Last of Us might already be underway, with filming slated to begin in the summer of 2025. This news is likely to be a pleasant surprise for fans — after all, the second season’s premiere is still months away, yet the producers seem confident in its success. If these reports turn out to be accurate, filming for the third season will begin almost immediately after the final episode of the second season airs.
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The second season of The Last of Us will follow the storyline of the game’s sequel
HBO representatives have previously confirmed that the series will closely adhere to the structure of the games. For instance, the first season was based on the first part of the franchise, and the second season will cover the events of the second game. Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey will reprise their roles, though plot details remain a tightly guarded secret. Rumor has it that the new episodes will dive into a much darker atmosphere, delving deeply into the complex character arcs of the main protagonists.